Dancing the Night Away
Last night was really fun. We went over to Suvirianastella’s place (that’s my nickname for it now...it contains all of their names) at like 11:45pm. They had some munchies and stuff and it was fun to hang out and stuff. It was all of the Aggies and some of the other Monterrey students. They had a really nice, big apartment...and they’re paying less that we are for our apartment. So now we (the guys) are even more determined to find a new place to live. Some of our profs are willing to help us out and stuff. And the study abroad office at A&M said that if we find something cheaper...or something else better, they’ll work it out to make sure that we can move.
We stayed at the girls’ place until around 3am and then we went out to a dance club. I danced the night/morning away. I got back to my apartment at around 7am. There. I did it. I experienced the Spanish night life. It was pretty fun, but I slept in until like 1:30pm, so that wasn’t so great.
I did some laundry, hung it up, ate, and then got together with Dave and Ryan to work on some research for our studio project. Then more food, more work, more food. And then in the evening we watched Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Movie in Mike and Scott’s room. Good times and memories of childhood playing with Ninja Turtles. Then it was bedtime again.
Glad you are having fun! Don't lose your focus...remember why you are there. Yes, I know it was the weekend.
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